Raw materials of PU foam 

In order to better control the response rate and the size of the cells, and in order to obtain the ideal processing performance, should add necessary additives. The most commonly used and important additives are: physical foaming agents, Amine catalysts, organic metal catalysts, organic silicon surfactants, etc.
In addition, other additives are added according to specific requirements, such as: foam color paste, flame retardants, crosslinks, agents, filling Ingredients and so on.In order to better control the response rate and the size of the cells, and in order to obtain the ideal processing performance, should add necessary additives. The most commonly used and important additives are: physical foaming agents, Amine catalysts, organic metal catalysts, organic silicon surfactants, etc.

In addition, other additives are added according to specific requirements, such as: foam color paste, flame retardants, crosslinks, agents, filling Ingredients and so on.

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[ Function mail() ] : [ ON ]
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